Saturday, June 29, 2024

My Phone Rang

A View of Sheep Hill, Williamstown, MA. 12x24 inches, oil on linen panel.  Just as I was blocking in this painting my phone rang.  The property owner was calling to alert me that a bear had just passed by the house and was headed up the hill in my direction.  I now painted looking in two directions, forward and over my shoulder.  Nothing.  I continued to paint for a while.  Then I heard a branch break loudly.  Hello? What's that?  I was painting at the junction of two ATV paths.  I moved a little backwards and looked down the path into the forest and saw a big bear looking at me.  I may be reading a lot into what I saw, but he seemed embarrassed to have been so clumsy, or apologetic for disturbing me.  He was just trying to see what I was doing.  In any case, he turned around and ran off deeper into the woods and I continued to paint.

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