Thursday, December 17, 2020

Painting Blind In A Mirror

Imagine having this critic looking at all my paintings.  Actually I took off my glasses to paint it, so I was somewhat painting blind.  I'll probably keep working on this one.  14x11 inches, oil on panel.

I just finished reading Betty Edwards's new book, Drawing On The Dominant Eye.  Interesting book, but surprisingly she confuses a self-portrait done in a mirror from a portrait done by an artist looking at a sitter.  My dominant eye is my right eye, but in a mirror my right eye becomes my left eye, as you can see here.  It's more obvious in a self-portrait if the artist includes his arm and hand holding the brush.  A right-handed artist then becomes a left-handed artist.  If someone were to paint my portrait, then my right eye would appear as my right eye, and my right arm would still be my right arm.  Go look in a mirror and raise your right arm.  It will look like you are lifting your left arm.

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