Monday, March 4, 2013

Washington Avenue and Barefoot Eyes

An 8x10 pastel.  One has to remain simple at 8x10.  Fortunately the original looks better than the photo image.

Macfarlane writes, "It is true that I remember the terrains over which I have walked barefoot differently, if not necessarily better, than those I have walked shod.  I recall them chiefly as textures, sensations, resistances, planes and slopes: the tactile details of a landscape that often pass unnoticed."

I am working with my barefoot eyes.


SamArtDog said...

Besides your memorable eye for landscape (no matter where it is), I admire your reading list, and I look forward to your book reports.
This latest one, this Robert MacFarlane, will be added to my own bookshelf. It definitely strikes a chord in this life-long walker. And fellow islomaniac.

Bob Lafond said...

Sam, You will love Macfarlane. I copied his bibliography in this book, a treasure trove, and intend to read his other books.