Sunday, March 18, 2012

Underhill and Bergen

This 9x12 drawing demonstrates to me at least that a 'plain' street corner has a lot going on, that we usually walk past and even over. This will make a challenging painting. I am trying to complete the life of Matisse. Who has time for painting?


Kasey Grier said...

Hi Bob -- Are you the Robert Lafond who used to work as the registrar at the Princeton University Art Museum? If you are, I used to be your undergraduate work-study. I was thinking of my time at the museum and did the usual thing these days -- I googled "Robert Lafond."

Kasey Grier

Bob Lafond said...

Kasey, I am the same person. You will be amazed that I think of you whenever I drive by your old house in Pennington. You seriously don't think I forgot you. You can get my email address if you go to the link "My Web Site" back on the main page.
